ATS 2024 Final Program

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310 Azithromycin Protects Against Club Cell Injury-Induced Peribronchiolar Fibrosis in a Murine Model of Deployment-Related Constrictive Bronchiolitis 311 Remote Biometric Monitoring to Identify Biometric Footprints in Burn-Pit-Exposed Veterans 312 Characterization of Non-deployment-related Military Occupational and Environmental Inhalational Exposures and Their Association With Chronic Respiratory Health Outcomes Among US Veterans 313 T-cell Activation Markers in Peripheral Blood Higher in Veterans With Southwest Asia (SWA) Deployment-Related Respiratory Diseases Than in SWA-Deployed Healthy Controls 314 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Toxic Inhalation Injuries to Disinfectant and Cleaning Products in Washington State’s Workers’ Compensation System 315 Combined Treatment With HSP90 Inhibitors and HSP70 Inducers Ameliorates HCl-induced Chronic Lung Injury and Pulmonary Fibrosis in New Zealand White Rabbits A106 PEDIATRIC SLEEP, VENTILATION, AND CRITICAL CARE RESEARCH 2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. San Diego Convention Center Room 25A-C (Upper Level) Poster Viewing 2:15-3:00 Discussion 3:00-4:15 401 Relationship of Circadian Blood Pressure Dysregulation With Left Ventricular Structure and Function in Children With Obstructive Sleep Apnea 402 Short- and Long-term Variabilities of Blood Oxygen Saturation in Extremely Preterm Infants 403 Cotinine Correlates With Sleep Parameters in Children Exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smoke 404 Pandemic Effect on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Incidence Among Adolescents in a Pediatric Sleep Laboratory BEHAVIORAL • CLINICAL • TRANSLATIONAL POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION




2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

San Diego Convention Center Room 28C-E (Upper Level)

Viewing/Discussion Abstract Summaries

2:15-3:00 3:00-4:15

301 A Novel Metric Measuring Silica Load in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Cells from Victorian Engineered-stone Workers with Silicosis Correlates with a Panel of Inflammatory Markers 302 Drillers and Bulldozer Operators Experience Exceptionally High Exposures to Respirable Crystalline Silica in United States Surface Coal Mines 303 Trajectory of Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry and Mortality Among Silicotic Patients: A Cohort Study 304 Impaired Pulmonary Function and Severe Pain Are Associated With Mental Health Disorders Among Former U.S. Coal Miners 305 Thin Seams and Small Mines Are Associated With Higher Exposures to Respirable Crystalline Silica in United States Underground Coal Mines 306 Resting Diffusion Capacity and Severity of Radiographic Disease Predict Gas Exchange Abnormalities With Exercise in Former U.S. Coal Miners 307 Respiratory Symptoms and Lung Function Test Among Cement Industry Workers at Dangote and Mugher Cement Industries in Ethiopia 308 Characterizing Respiratory Hazards to Firefighters Providing Exterior Support During Overhaul of a Residential Structure Fire 309 Effects of World Trade Center Dust and Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia on Transcriptional Modulation of Tissue Repair and Fibrotic Pathways in Alveolar Macrophages

ATS 2024 Conference Program • San Diego, CA

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