ATS 2024 Final Program

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P108 Relationship Between Computed Tomography (CT)- and Bioimpedance-derived Body Composition and Exercise Tolerance Among Smokers Enrolled in a Lung Cancer Screening Program P109 The Effects of Sex and Age on Dynamic Inspiratory Constraints During Incremental Cycle Ergometry P110 Physiologic Parameters During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Obese and Non-obese Subjects With Exertional Dyspnea

P1041 Inhibition of Casein Kinase 2 Decreases Camp Egress and Promotes Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Relaxation P1042 Activation of KISS1R Inhibits Mitogen Induced Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Migration P1043 Inhalation of Ammonia Stimulated Silent Rapidly Adapting Receptors in the Lung and Evoked Bronchoconstriction: Involvement of ATP P1044 Lysine Myristoylation of the Gravin- a , Through HDAC11 Inhibition Regulates ß2AR Localization and Signaling in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells P1045 How Swell Is SWELL? SWELL1 Regulates Human Airway Smooth Muscle Shortening P1046 Relaxation of Human Small Airways to a Combination of a LAMA + LABA Appears to Be Unaffected by ß 2 Adrenergic Receptor Desensitization or a T2 Inflammatory Milieu P1047 Cooperativity by Low Extracellular pH and Tumor P1048 AKAP Dependent Regulation of Mitochondrial Function and Dynamics in Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells P1050 Oxidized Phosphatidylcholine-Protein Kinase C Signalling Axis Desensitizes B 2 -adrenoceptors in Airway Smooth Muscle: Mechanism for Bronchodilator Insensitivity P1051 Airway Structural Cell Oxylipin Profiles In Vitro Are Unique and Modified by Cell Stimulation P1052 Do EpOMEs and DiHOMEs Cause Airway Smooth Muscle Contraction? P1053 2-hydroxyestradiol (2HE) Attenuates the Airway Remodeling Via Activation of ERß Receptor in Airway Smooth Muscle P1054 KISS1R Activation Alters Intracellular Calcium in Airway Smooth Muscle During Inflammation: Th2 Biased Effect P1055 Eosinophilia as a Biomarker of Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Young Never-smokers With Subacute Respiratory Symptoms P1056 Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction Assessed by a Ratio of Surface Diaphragm Electromyogram to Tidal Volume Necrosis Factor a (TNF a ) in Ovarian Cancer GPCR1 (OGR1)-dependent Cytokine Production in Airway Smooth Muscle


B79 AIRWAY SMOOTH MUSCLE IN ASTHMA 9:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

San Diego Convention Center Area I (Hall H, Ground Level)

Viewing: Posters will be on display for entire session Discussion: 11:30-12:30 Discussionwith facilitators, authors, andattendees 12:30-1:15 Authorswill beby their posters for individual discussionwithattendees P1034 JAK1 Inhibition Reduces Airway Inflammation and Increases Corticosteroid Sensitivity in a Severe Allergic Airway Inflammation Mouse Model P1035 Maternal Allergen Exposure During Fetal Development Disrupts Parasympathetic Nerve Development in Murine Offspring P1036 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy to Rescue Airway Hyperreactivity in a Mouse Model of Neonatal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure P1037 Anti-inflammatory Effects of Tanimilast in Two Murine House Dust Mite (HDM)-driven Models of Asthma P1038 Functional Role of Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor in a Mixed Allergen Murine Model of Asthma P1039 A Stiffer Lung Tissue Curbs the Hyperresponsiveness to Methacholine in a Mouse Model of Asthma P1040 Synthetic Derivatives of Ginger Metabolites Relax Murine Airway Smooth Muscle Ex Vivo and In Vivo

ATS 2024 Conference Program • San Diego, CA

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