ATS 2024 Final Program

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Target Audience Health professionals who treat patients with COPD, basic researchers with expertise in lung pathophysiology, bioinformaticians with an interest in chronic lung disease. Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: • present the latest multiomic findings as they relate to the pathobiology of COPD for all lung cellular compartments (immune, epithelium, endothelium, mesenchymal) • define clinically relevant cellular molecular states for COPD therapeutics/biomarker development • discuss applications of different omics modalities and exemplify the implications they can make to clinical practice This course will shed light on the revolutionary impact that multi-omics technologies have had in understanding the major pathophysiological mechanisms of COPD. By exploring the latest findings, our goal is to highlight the implications of these advancements in clinical practice and equip participants with a comprehensive understanding at a cellular and molecular level. Through didactic lectures and interactive discussions on various technologies, including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and the microbiome, participants will gain practical knowledge about how these technologies have the potential to impact the diagnosis, classification and development of targeted therapies, ultimately improving patient outcomes and enhancing personalized treatment approaches. Airway Inflammation and Immunity in COPD 12:01 Epigenetic Regulation of Macrophage Populations in COPD 12:18 Functional Remodelling of Neutrophils and Their Progenitors in Early-Stage COPD 12:35 T-cell Subtypes in COPD 12:52 5-Prime Sequencing and the Rold of B Cells in COPD 1:09 Break Maintaining Distal Airway and Alveolar Homeostasis in COPD 1:35 Transcriptomic Signatures of Airway Inflammation in COPD 1:52 Single-cell Sequencing and Impaired Maintenance of Alveolar Homeostasis 2:09 Cellular Senescence and Its Impact on COPD

• appropriately determine when we should intervene, when not, and when we should refer There are some key aspects in the management of common pleural diseases that lack quality data, or for which practice remains institution and physician-dependent. It is for these that certain inaccuracies have been propagated into traditional teaching that are not backed by literature, albeit limited. Through this session, we aim to discuss the best-approach pathways for these common conditions, in an interactive, fun and educational manner. 12:00 Initial and Subsequent Evaluation of Pleural Effusion: What Tests Are Needed? 12:20 Pragmatic Approach to Diagnosing Suspected Malignant Pleural Effusions 12:40 Decision-Making Between Pleurodesis and Indwelling Pleural Catheters for the Definitive Management of Malignant Pleural EffusionsBreak 1:00 Role of Indwelling Pleural Catheters for Palliating Recurrent Benign Pleural Effusions 1:40 VATS Versus Intrapleural Enzyme Therapy First for Empyema? 2:10 Non-Operative Management of Traumatic and Non-Traumatic ChylothoraxBreak 2:30 Break 2:50 Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax: When to Intervene and How? 3:10 Algorithmic Approach for Persistent Air LeaksCase Discussion



MECHANISMS IN COPD FROM THE MULTI-OMICS PERSPECTIVE R Pre-registration and additional fees required. Attendance is limited. Member: $225 In-Training Member: $130 LMIC Member: $160 LMIC In-Training Member: $100 Non-Member: $280 In-Training Non-Member: $200 Assemblies on Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology; Allergy, Immunology and Inflammation 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. San Diego Convention Center Room 6F (Upper Level)

ATS 2024 Conference Program • San Diego, CA

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