ATS 2024 Final Program

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P455 MAGI2 Is Involved in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Fibrosis P456 The Unique Role of ARPC2, A Subunit of the ARP2/3 Complex, in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) P457 Cell Types Associated With Disease Severity in COPD and IPF Lungs P458 Neutrophils in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Have a Distinct Biomechanical Phenotype of Systemic Activation That Correlates With Disease Severity P459 Mast Cell Expressed Membrane Protein 1 (MCEMP1) Is Essential Required for Murine Pulmonary Fibrosis by Regulating Monocyte Chemotaxis and Migration P460 Pulmonary Macrophage Programming Is Conserved in Healthy Repair and Fibrosis P461 Th17 Cells Mediate Senescence in Radiation-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis (RIPF) Murine Model P462 Lung Derived-Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels Promote Inflammation and Migration in Alveolar Epithelial Type 2 Cells P463 The Effect of GRB2 Deletion in Cx3Cr1 + Cells on TGFß1 Induced Mouse Lung Fibrosis P464 Alveolar Macrophages Secrete Anti-fibrotic Bioactivity That May Contribute to Fibrosis Resolution P465 Elevated Aß X-40 in Transudative Pleural Effusions P466 Potential Role of Extracellular Vesicles in the Pathogenesis of Pleural Fibrosis P467 TWF1 and LMOD1 Are Novel Down-stream Effectors of TGF-ß-MyoCD Signaling and Participate in Mesothelial Mesenchymal Transition by Regulating Actin Cytoskeletal Remodeling P468 Investigating the Role of Tuftelin 1 in Mesothelial Mesenchymal Transition and Pleural Fibrosis P469 Short Linear Peptides Protect Fibrinolysis From Inactivation With Up To 8-fold PAI-1 In Vitro P470 Sputum Versus Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid on a Flow Cytometric Platform P471 Kinesin-1 (KIF5) Transports PAI-1 Containing Vesicles in Myofibroblasts Derived From Human Pleural Mesothelial Cells


A69 PATHOGENESIS OF INTERSTITIAL AND PLEURAL DISEASES 9:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. Viewing: Posters will be on display for entire session Discussion: 11:30-12:30 Discussionwith facilitators, authors, andattendees 12:30-1:15 Authorswill beby their posters for individual discussionwithattendees P443 The Collagen Endocytic Receptor MRC2 in Lung Fibroblast Proliferation P444 WNT5A Isoforms Are Dynamically Regulated in Lung Development and Fibrosis P445 Role of the Metallopeptidase ADAMTS14 in Mechanoactivation of Primary Human Lung Fibroblasts P446 S100a4 Is a Novel Mechanoeffector That Mediates Fibroblast Migration Via Its Effects on Peripheral Actomyosin in a Context-dependent Manner P447 Myocardin Is Involved in Cytoskeletal Remodeling of IPF Fibroblasts During Myofibroblast Differentiation P448 Developmental Gene SIX1 Knockout in Fibroblasts Improves Lung Function in Pulmonary Fibrosis P449 PGE 2 - and FGF2-elicited Myofibroblast Dedifferentiation Are Accompanied by Collagen I Degradation and Uptake P450 Adenovirus TGFß1-induced Profibrotic Responses in Human Lung Fibroblasts - Potential Role of Circadian Clock Component REV-ERBa P451 Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin and Activating Transcription Factor 4 Regulate TGF-ß-induced Transcription in Lung Fibroblasts P452 Wound Infiltrating Adipocytes Are Not Myofibroblasts P453 GOLM1 Promotes Pulmonary Fibrosis Through Upregulation of NEAT1 P454 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Mediates Survival Mechanisms in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis San Diego Convention Center Area E (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)

ATS 2024 Conference Program • San Diego, CA

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