


Faculty S.M. Kassutto, MD, Philadelphia, PA

P1271 You Can’t Escape From Your Past! Papillary Thyroid Cancer With Lung Metastasis After 35 Years: A Case Report/ S. Alrasheed, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia P1272 Paraneoplastic Myositis Associated With Lung Adenocarcinoma, An Unusual Presentation/ M. Nees Van Baalen, Jackson, MI P1273 Lumper or Splitter, What Is the Balance?/ T. Moore, Roanoke, VA P1274 A Case of Solitary Endobronchial Squamous Papilloma/ J. Frederickson, Omaha, NE P1275 Respiratory Papillomatosis: Raising the Question on Post-procedure Surveillance/ J.G. Rodriguez Velez, San Juan, Puerto Rico P1276 Bilateral Mainstem Obstruction Due to Mycobacterial Spindle Cell Pseudotumor/ R. Katragadda, Las Vegas, NV ME101 BUILDING BLOCKS TO CRAFTING A SUCCESSFUL CLINICIAN-EDUCATOR CAREER Assembly on Behavioral Science and Health Services Research 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Target Audience Trainees, junior and mid career faculty pursuing careers as clinician educators although all clinician educators are likely to benefit from this session Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: • understand how to create an educational portfolio and identify mentors early in ones career • describe opportunities for production of scholarly work as a clinician educator • identify opportunities for leadership in medical education locally, regionally and nationally During this interactive session, participants will have the opportunity to hear from successful, nationally recognized clinician educators in pulmonary & critical care medicine regarding career advancement as clinician educators. Topics will include developing an educational portfolio, fostering successful mentoring relationships, scholarly productivity, leadership, and networking locally, regionally and nationally through organizations such as the ATS. Discussants will provide attendees with practical tips and focused suggestions as well as ample opportunity for discussion and questions regarding how to best achieve success in each of the content domains being presented MEDICAL EDUCATION SEMINAR CME Credits Available: 1

L. Santhosh, MD, MEd, San Francisco, CA B. Coruh, MD,ATSF, FCCP, Seattle, WA W.G. Carlos, MD, MSCR, ATSF, Indianapolis, IN

.11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. SECTION ON MEDICAL EDUCATION

Renaissance Washington Downtown Rock Creek Ballroom A (Ballroom Level) W

The Section meetings are open to all ATS members and other interested individuals. Items to be discussed include the Section's current projects and future directions. Items to be discussed include the Section's current projects and future directions.

ATS 2023 • Washington, DC

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