



CME Credits Available: 1

SPS1 THE AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY AND AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CHEST PHYSICIANS JOINT SESSION ON BRONCHIECTASIS 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 207 A -B (Level 2) Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: • be able to recognize bronchiectasis is related to a diverse group of lung conditions. Key components of the history, physical exam and imaging will assist the learner in the evaluation of underlying etiologies of bronchiectasis. • appreciate the recent progress in understanding genotypes and endotypes, the process of defining groups of patients by pathobiology with use of biomarkers • be able to employ strategies to improve management of complex infections including inhaled, oral and parenteral antimicrobial therapy This is part 1 of a joint session between ATS and CHEST. Part 2 will be presented at the CHEST 2023 conference. Bronchiectasis is characterized by pathologic airway dilation and bronchial wall thickening. Affected individuals complain of a chronic cough and frequent episodes of bronchitis and pneumonia. Bronchiectasis was once described as an orphan disease. Several studies show it is increasing in prevalence. Bronchiectasis affects an estimated 500,000 adults in the US and the prevalence increases with age. A Medicare survey from 2018 reported an annual prevalence of 701/100,000 persons over the age of 65. The COVID pandemic is likely to significantly impact the prevalence of bronchiectasis globally. This session on bronchiectasis will include expert presentations on the diagnostic evaluation, phenotyping, therapeutics targeting bronchiectasis and the management of multi-drug resistant infections. Chairing: S. Kasperbauer, MD, Denver, CO D. Addrizzo-Harris, MD, New York, NY 12:00 The Diagnostic Evaluation of Bronchiectasis P. Mcshane, MD, Tyler, TX 12:15 Phenotyping Bronchiectasis J. Chalmers, MBChB, PhD, Dundee, United Kingdom 12:30 Therapeutics in Bronchiectasis C. Daley, MD, Denver, CO 12:45 Management of MDR Infections M. Restrepo, MD, MSc, PhD, San Antonio, TX


OPPORTUNITIES IN SLEEP AND RESPIRATORY HEALTH DISPARITIES RESEARCH FUNDED BY NIMHD 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 202 B (Level 2) Target Audience Providers serving patients that experience health disparities, including racial and ethnic minority, low SES, rural, and sex and gender minority populations; and members engaged in sleep and respiratory health research Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: • describe NIH/NIMHD programs and funding opportunities for research on the causes and consequences of sleep and respiratory health disparities in the US • examine how social determinants of health may impact sleep and respiratory health disparities • integrate an understanding of the multilevel causes and consequences of sleep and respiratory health disparities into current practice Racial and ethnic minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations in the US face sleep and respiratory health inequalities. The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), in collaboration with other NIH institutes, promotes and funds research to understand how social, cultural, and environmental factors contribute to sleep and respiratory health and health disparities. This session will highlight NIMHD programs and funding opportunities of interest to ATS members and showcase the work of NMIHD grantees, including those studying biobehavioral, structural, environmental, and social determinants of sleep and respiratory health and health disparities. Research gaps, future directions, and NIH funding opportunities will be discussed. Chairing: R. Das, PhD, Bethesda, MD 12:00 Director’s Introduction to NIMHD E. Perez-Stable, MD, Bethesda, MD 12:05 Programs and Funding Opportunities in Sleep and Respiratory Health Disparities: Community Health and Population Sciences N. Jones, PhD, Bethesda, MD 12:15 Programs and Funding Opportunities in Sleep and Respiratory Health Disparities: Integrative Biological and Behavioral Sciences A.S. Gillman, PhD, MPH, Bethesda, MD

ATS 2023 • Washington, DC

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