903 Are Demographic Factors Predictive of PCCM Application Numbers or Match Rates?/ Z.B. Strumpf, Cleveland, OH 904 Launching the Mednet in Pulmonary Medicine: An Online Platform for Expert Answers to Real World Clinical Questions/ A.N. Khan, Maywood, IL 905 Development and Utilization of an Online Learning Community for Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellows and Faculty/ T.J. Rowe, Chicago, IL 906 Mastery of Airway Bleeding Management Via Interprofessional Simulation-based Learning for Pulmonary Fellows/ T.J. Rowe, Chicago, IL 907 Experience With a Virtual, Social-media-enhanced Respiratory Disease Journal Club at a Large Tertiary Referral Center/ M. Dalabih, Denver, CO 908 Medical Students Awareness of Errors in Pulmonary Medicine to Ensure Patient Safety/ A. Gillissen, Witten, Germany 909 Ready or Not, Here They Come: Internal Medicine Interns’ Experience and Perceived Competency in Critical Care/ D.J. Gergen, Aurora, CO 910 Implementing an Integrated Critical Care Curriculum to Improve Resident Education in the Medical Intensive Care Unit: A Quality Improvement Project/ A. Asghar, Springfield, MA 911 5-Year Sustainability of a Virtual Flipped Classroom Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Intern Bootcamp/ T.A. Johnson, San Francisco, CA 912 Quantitative Assessment of Pulmonary Procedural Training in Pulmonary and Critical Fellowships: A National Benchmark Survey/ A. El Haj Chehade, Oklahoma City, OK 913 Implementation of a 3D-Printed Color-Coded Tracheobronchial Tree for Bronchoscopy Training and Simulation-based Training: An Unmet Curricular Need Across Specialties/ C. Mowry, Aurora, CO 915 SEPSim: Simply Reviewing Sepsis Care With Medical Residents in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) Using Simulation/ L. Sankari, Cleveland, OH 916 Virtual Deliberate Practice: Assessing Clinical Reasoning Using an Illness Script-based Simulator/ R.-E.E. Abdulnour, Boston, MA 917 An Attending-directed Intervention to Improve Interprofessional Teaching in the ICU/ C.R. Petri, Boston, MA Anatomy Learning in a Pulmonary Critical Care Fellowship Program/ S.A. Vydro, San Francisco, CA 914 Gastroesophageal Balloon Tamponade
119 Single-cell Analysis of the Human Infant Airway Epithelium Reveals Heterogenous Cell Subpopulations With Susceptibility and Resistance Genes During RSV Infection/ B.S. Bera, Washington, DC 120 Differences in the DNA Methylome of T Cells in Adult Asthmatics of Varying Severity and Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution/ S.K. Huang, Ann Arbor, MI 121 Metabolomics Reveals Effects of miRNA Gene Regulation in Eosinophilia and Airflow Obstruction in Childhood Asthma/ R. Sharma, Boston, MA 122 Macrophage Immune and Transcriptional Profiles in Response to Aero-allergens in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/ N. Britton, Baltimore, MD 123 Integrated Drivers of Basal Immunity and Acute Responses to Influenza Infection in Diverse Human Populations/ A. Souquette, Memphis, TN 124 Unsupervised Clustering of Plasma Protein Biomarkers, Clinical Features, and Whole Blood Gene Expression Captures Prognostic and Predictive Heterogeneity in Critically Ill Patients With Sepsis/ L.P.A. Neyton, San Francisco, CA Neuroendocrine Cells Reveals Genetic Heterogeneity and Epithelial Adoption in Chronic Airway Inflammation/ M. Nemoto, Chiba, Japan B102 ADVANCES IN MEDICAL EDUCATION IN PULMONARY, CRITICAL CARE, AND SLEEP MEDICINE 2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Marriott Marquis Washington Marquis Ballroom, Salons 3-4 (Level M2) Poster Viewing 2:15-3:00 Discussion 3:00-4:15 Chairing: S.M. Kassutto, MD, Philadelphia, PA L. Santhosh, MD, MEd, San Francisco, CA M.M. Hayes, MD, ATSF, Boston, MA 901 Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Program Directors’ Perspective Regarding the Virtual Recruitment Process: A Survey Research/ R. Acharya, Roanoke, VA 902 Effect of Virtual Interviews on PCCM Fellowship Match Outcomes: Analysis of NRMP Data From 2017-2021/ Z.B. Strumpf, Cleveland, OH 125 Single-cell RNA Sequencing of Pulmonary BEHAVIORAL • CLINICAL POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION
ATS 2023 • Washington, DC
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