9:07 Patient Speaker
• define new strategies for early detection of cancer in those with no tobacco smoking history • better counsel patients about risk factors for lung cancer beyond tobacco smoking Lung cancer is a common cause of cancer mortality even in those who have never used tobacco. Taken alone, lung cancer in those who have never smoked (LCNS) is the seventh leading cause of cancer death in the United States. This seminar will explore how LCNS differs epidemiologically and molecularly from lung cancer associated with tobacco use. Speakers will unique risk factors, strategies to identify Q. Lan, MD, PhD, MPH, Bethesda, MD J.J. Tsay, MD, MSc, New York, NY 9:00 Genomic Risks Behind Lung Adenocarcinoma in Those Who Have Never Smoked Q. Lan, MD, PhD, MPH, Bethesda, MD 9:18 Calculating Risk for Lung Cancer in Those Who Have Never Smoked C. Berg, MD, Bethesda, MD 9:36 The TALENT Trial: Lung Cancer Screening in a Population with Very Low Rates of Tobacco Use P.-C. Yang, MD, Taipei, Taiwan 9:54 Air Pollution and Lung Cancer J. Schiller, MD, Vienna, VA 10:12 New Directions in Treating Lung Cancer in Those Who Have Never Smoked E. Shum, MD, New York, NY This session and the International Conference are supported by an independent medical educational grant from Merck & Co. All CME sessions have been planned and implemented in accordance with the Accreditation Criteria of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®) and are free of the control of ineligible companies (formerly commercial interests). those at risk, and novel treatment approaches. Chairing: E. Ostrin, MD, PhD, Houston, TX
Speaker To Be Announced 9:12 The Causes and Implication of the Under Recognition of Cystic Fibrosis as a Genetic Disease in Minority Groups J.L. Taylor-Cousar, MD, MSc, ATSF, Denver, CO 9:25 Intersectionality of Sex and Gender in Lung Disease Omics D.L. Demeo, MD, Boston, MA 9:38 Genomic and Social Determinants of Racial Inequality in Asthma J.G. Zein, MD, PhD, MBA, Cleveland, OH 9:51 “Omics” of Asthma and Disease Disparities E. Forno, MD, MPH, ATSF, Pittsburgh, PA 10:04 Ancestral Diversity is Important When Evaluating Respiratory Traits and Disease in Genetic Studies V.E. Ortega, MD, PhD, ATSF, Scottsdale, AZ 10:17 Insights into Ensuring Diversity in Recruitment and Representation in Science, a Take from the Immediate Past-Chair of the HDEC N. Thakur, MD, MPH, San Francisco, CA This session and the International Conference are supported by an independent medical educational grant from Vertex Pharmaceuticals. All CME sessions have been planned and implemented in accordance with the Accreditation Criteria of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®) and are free of the control of ineligible companies (formerly commercial interests). C7 CANCER IN THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER SMOKED: NEW INSIGHTS FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE Assemblies on Thoracic Oncology; Environmental, Occupational and Population Health 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 202 A (Level 2) Target Audience Those with clinical interest in lung cancer. Those with research interests in non-tobacco risks for lung cancer. Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: • describe new findings on the genetic and epidemiologic underpinnings of cancer in those with no tobacco history BASIC • CLINICAL • TRANSLATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM CME Credits Available: 1.5
C8 NEW CONCEPTS AND UPDATE IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF NTM AND TB INFECTIONS Assemblies on Pulmonary Infections and Tuberculosis; Clinical Problems 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Room/Location TBD Target Audience Clinicians caring for patients with non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)
ATS 2023 • Washington, DC
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