ATS 2024 Final Program

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12:15 The NASA TEMPO Mission: Hourly Daytime Air Pollution Observations from Geostationary Orbit for Advanced Health and Air Quality Applications 12:30 Weekly Briefing of Fire and Air Quality (FireAQ): Progresses and Lessons in 2023 12:45 Extreme Heat and Health Collaborations to Reduce Health Disparities

12:24 Study Protocols 12:36 Long-Term Outcomes 12:48 Data and Biospecimen Sharing

CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION MID-DAY SESSION MD23 TUBERUCLOSIS (TB) RESEARCH AND PROVIDER/COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UPDATES FROM CDC 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. San Diego Convention Center Room 2 (Upper Level) Target Audience Clinicians and researchers interested in tuberculosis. Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: • describe the global burden of TB and the current landscape of clinical trials in drug-susceptible TB and new CDC-sponsored trial S38/CRUSH-TB. • describe the importance of socio-behavioral research and its ability to improve patient experiences and provider perceptions and practices of TB prevention and treatment and inform future work to engage with providers on TB testing and treatment. • apply new strategies to reduce disparities in TB through provider outreach and community engagement efforts. The session will orient participants about the global burden and risk factors for TB by highlighting the status of clinical trials for drug-susceptible TB and an overview of the CDC-sponsored global clinical trial of 4-month treatment regimens using newer TB drugs. The session will also include a review of previous and proposed socio-behavioral work within CDC’s Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC) and the importance of integrating socio-behavioral perspectives in both TBTC governance and future research. Learners will also gain knowledge of U.S.-based providers’ self-reported TB testing and treatment practices for latent TB infection (LTBI) based on the results of a national survey. Finally, session participants will learn about provider outreach strategies and community engagement efforts through the U.S.-based Tuberculosis Elimination Alliance. 12:00 CDC-Sponsored Trial S38/CRUSH-TB: A Study of Two Investigational Four-Month Regimens For Drug-Susceptible TB.


MD22 ARDS, PNEUMONIA, AND SEPSIS PHENOTYPING CONSORTIUM 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Target Audience Providers of lung health, investigators in lung physiology and pathophysiology, specific patient groups or multiple groups Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: • understand the goal and scope of the APS phenotype consortium • learn the resource available from the APS consortium for the broader community • participate in discussions related to the use of APS consortium data and biospecimens NHLBI/NIGMS awarded the ARDS, Pneumonia, and Sepsis (APS) consortium on 5/1/23. APS goals: 1)understand the heterogeneity and underlying mechanisms of critical illness syndromes and recovery, specifically in adults w/ARDS, pneumonia, and/or sepsis; Understand the relationship and biological overlap among these syndromes; 2)collect/disseminate data and biospecimens as a resource to the broader research community. One coordinating center/six clinical centers will enroll approximately 5000 patients and conduct consortium-wide studies and center-specific studies. This platform will highlight/showcase the research goals, scopes, and novel findings and advocate the available resource for the broader community to further facilitate research and future knowledge in this field. 12:00 Overview of APS Consortium 12:12 APS Consortium Scientific Vision San Diego Convention Center Room 24A-C (Upper Level)

ATS 2024 Conference Program • San Diego, CA

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