ATS 2024 Final Program

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A4 ICU EARLY MOBILIZATION: SHOULD WE KEEP MOVING OR MOVE ON? Assemblies on Critical Care, Pulmonary Rehabilitation 9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. San Diego Convention Center Room 6B (Upper Level) Target Audience Practicing clinicians in critical care, clinical researchers Objectives At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to: • define the implications of important heterogeneity in the definition, timing, and intensity of ICU early mobilization and rehabilitation within existing rigorous landmark clinical trials • identify controversies of how, when, and if early mobilization should be implemented • specify key features of future clinical trials to help address the remaining gaps in knowledge Clinical trials of early mobilization have produced conflicting results, which has created uncertainty as to whether this highly resource-intensive multidisciplinary intervention still has a place in ICU clinical practice. This symposium will provide a comprehensive and nuanced discussion of the current evidence-base, its limitations, and future directions for clinical practice and research. 9:15 What Is in a Name? The Many Definitions of Early Mobilization in Randomized Trials 9:28 Intensity of Intervention Matters for ICU Rehabilitation 9:41 Timing of ICU Rehabilitation Matters 9:54 If You Build It, We Can Move: Lessons in Implementing Mobilization Programs in Clinical Practice 10:07 Implementation of Mobilization Programs in Low Resource Settings 10:20 The Future State of Randomized Trials of Early Rehabilitation to Address Gaps in Evidence 10:33 Where Do We Go From Here?

A5 MULTI-OMIC AND SINGLE CELL APPROACHES FOR ELUCIDATING CELLULAR BIOLOGY AND PATHOBIOLOGY OF LUNG DISEASE 9:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina Grand Ballroom 5-6 (Lobby Level, North Tower) High-throughput technologies have revolutionized biomedical research. The advent of genotyping arrays and whole-genome sequencing enabled large-scale genome-wide association studies that shed light on genetic determinants of health and disease, or genomics. Subsequently, high-throughput methods for measuring DNA methylation, chromatin accessibility, transcript levels, proteins and metabolome gave rise to downstream omic sciences. Each omics profile provides valuable information about specific regulatory and metabolic aspects of a biological system, but simultaneous analysis of multiple omics - multi-omics - is necessary to gain holistic insight into disease risk factors, pathogenesis, and the preclinical and clinical manifestations of disease states. Accordingly, multi-omics analyses have high potential to improve disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. More recently developed single cell technologies have enabled unprecedented cataloging and characterization of cell populations and their transcriptional profiles; they have become an integral part of studies of pathobiology of lung disease. Building on the success of single cell transcriptomics, methods that enable multi-omic profiling of individual cells are beginning to reveal regulatory and functional mechanisms underlying cell state and activity in health and disease. Finally, spatially resolved omic technologies are providing spatial context and cell-cell interaction data that are critical in understanding disease heterogeneity throughout the lung. This session will highlight recent applications of multi-omic methods, integrated with clinical and other data types, that have made major advances in understanding the role of specific cell types in pathobiology of lung diseases. 9:15 Keynote - Deciphering Lung Disease at Single Cell Resolution 9:45 Identification of Cell Populations That Regulate Normal Lung Development and the Cell Types Driving Abnormal Repair After Injury *2024 Parker B. Francis Speaker 10:05 Integrative Multi-Omics to Dissect the Lung Transcriptional Landscape of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)

ATS 2024 Conference Program • San Diego, CA

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