1004 The Overlooked Side Effect - A Case of Inhaled Nitric Oxide-induced Methemoglobinemia in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome/ Y. Li, Stanford, CA 1005 Pseudohypoxemia Presenting As Severe Respiratory Failure: A Case Of Leukocyte Larceny/ S.E. Pravinkumar, Houston, TX 1006 Real Time Bedside Echocardiography-guided Mechanical Ventilation Optimization In A Patient With Carcinoid Heart Disease, Right Ventricular Failure, And Severe Ards/ G.E. Ortiz-Jaimes, Rochester, MN 1007 A Rare Case Of Adult-onset Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis/ C. Mowry, Aurora, CO 1008 Refractory Hypoxemia in a Mechanically Ventilated Patient With an Inferior ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction/ N.L. Maris, New Haven, CT 1009 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Asthma in Pregnancy/ A.B. Nasir, Oklahoma City, OK 1010 Endotracheal Intubation Can Make You Un-intubatable in Future/ M.I. Islam, Charlottesville, VA 1011 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome From Adenovirus Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Young Adult Effectively Treated With High-Dose Corticosteroids/ P. Ho, Wynnewood, PA 1012 “Ondine’s Curse?” A Rare Cause of Hypercarbia in the ICU/ K.H. Young, Springfield, MA 1013 Case Series of Rapidly-Progressive Interstitial Lung Disease From Anti-MDA5 Dermatomyositis Requiring Veno-Venous ECMO: Outcomes and Limitations/ A.A. Kabadi, La Jolla, CA 1014 Deferoxamine-Related Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome/ H.S. Khaira, New Orleans, LA 1015 Proning as an Effective Treatment for Refractory Hypoxemia Due to Intra-pulmonary Shunt/ N. Ahmed, Rochester, MN 1016 Acute Lung Injury in the Setting of Severe Post-surgical Gastroparesis: Rare Complication of Relatively Safe Procedure/ S. Ashfaq, Queens, NY 1017 An Unusual Presentation of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Due to Adenovirus and Metapneumovirus/ D. Ravi, Rochester, NY 1018 ARDS After a Dilatation and Curettage: A Unique Presentation/ M. Heritage, Columbia, SC 1019 A Case Of A Pregnant Patient With Covid-19 Successfully Managed With Veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation/ A. Qatanani, Hackensack, NJ 1020 A Positive Outcome In Prolonged VV-ECMO For COVID-19 ARDS/ J. Meland, St. Louis, MO
819 Cystic Fibrosis Related Mortality in the United States From 1999 to 2020: An Observational Analysis From the CDC Wonder Database/ H. Singh, Milwaukee, WI 820 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Eradication Regimens for Children and Adults With Cystic Fibrosis/ A. Toporek, Baltimore, MD 821 The Utility of Clinician-performed Cardiopulmonary Ultrasound Assessment of the Acutely Breathless Patient: Breathlessness Early Detection With Ultrasound (BED-US) Study/ J.W. Kagima, Nairobi, Kenya 822 Comparison of Pulmonary Function Testing and Imaging Profiles of Non-hospitalized and Hospitalized Patients With Persistent Dyspnea in Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19/ A.D. Yuen, Los Angeles, CA 823 Multicenter Prospective Validation of a Clinical Prediction Tool for Respiratory Insufficiency in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/ J. Ackrivo, Philadelphia, PA 824 Multicenter Validation of the CF-ABLE Score as a Predictor of Outcome and Therapeutic Response in Cystic Fibrosis/ O. Mcelvaney, Seattle, WA 825 Evaluation of Exercise Responses During CPET Among Patients With Unexplained Dyspnea/ W.T. Smith, Rochester, MN B104 TOP CASE REPORTS OF MECHANICAL VENTILATION/ARDS FROM THE PAST YEAR 2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Marriott Marquis Washington Marquis Ballroom, Salons 9-10 (Level M2) Poster Viewing 2:15-3:00 Discussion 3:00-4:15 Chairing: A.M. Esper, MD, MS, ATSF, Atlanta, GA F.A. Shah, MD, MPH, Pittsburgh, PA S. Sahetya, MD, MHS, Baltimore, MD 1001 Under Little Pressure: A Case Series of Observed COVID-19 Barotrauma Events With Peculiar Data/ C. Triggs, Santa Barbara, CA 1002 Pulmonary Tuberculosis Leading To Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome/ A. Patel, Hackensack, NJ 1003 Henoch-Schönlein Purpura: ARDS Is In The Cards/ K. Golubykh, Harrisburg, PA CLINICAL POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION
ATS 2023 • Washington, DC
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