210 Unsafe Working Conditions Predict Injury Rates in U.S. Coal Mines/ K.S. Almberg, Chicago, IL 211 Effectiveness of Frequent Point-of-Care Molecular Workplace COVID-19 Surveillance Among Miners/ A. Sood, Albuquerque, NM 212 Change in Lung Function After Exposure to Smoke From a Mine Fire: A Clinical Follow-up/ N. Holt, Melbourne, Australia 213 Effect of Systemic Metal Exposure on Pulmonary Function Testing Among Veterans With Embedded Metal Fragments/ D.R. Glick, Baltimore, MD 214 Sinusitis and Rhinitis Symptoms Following Deployment-related Occupational and Environmental Exposures Among US Veterans/ J. Maccarone, Boston, MA 215 Multidimensional Dyspnea Assessment Associated With Forced Oscillometry and Pulmonary Function Testing in Veterans in the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry/ J. Chiurco, Baltimore, MD
1021 Cast of the Left Bronchial Tree on a Pregnant Lady With Influenza A Supported With Venovenous (VV) Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)/ A.A. Alassim, Abha, Saudi Arabia 1022 Multiorgan Failure in the Aftermath of Pre-eclampsia With Intracerebral Hemorrhage and HELLP Syndrome/ J. Shih, Las Vegas, NV CLINICAL • TRANSLATIONAL RAPID: RAPID ABSTRACT POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION B105 SICK ON THE JOB: UNCOVERING MODERN OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS 2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 103 A-B (Street Level) Viewing 2:15-3:00 Summaries/Discussion 3:00-4:15 Chairing: K.J. Cummings, MD, MPH, Richmond, CA R.A. Cohen, MD, Chicago, IL R.E. De La Hoz, MD, MPH, MSc, New York, NY 201 Acute Occupational Respiratory Injuries and Fatalities, United States, 2016-2020/ N.T. Myers, Morgantown, WV 202 Healthy Worker Survivor Effect in a Prospective Cohort Study of Cotton Textile Workers/ H. Wang, Boston, MA 203 Effects of Particle Matter 2.5 and Carbon Monoxide on Arterial Stiffness Among Welders in Douala, Cameroon/ B.H.M. Mbatchou Ngahane, Douala, Cameroon 204 Occupational Exposure to Insulating Materials Is Associated With Increased Risk of Coronary Artery Diseases in Insulators/ S. Moitra, Edmonton, Canada 205 Identification of a Statewide Epidemic of Silicosis Among Engineered Stone Fabrication Workers - California/ J.C. Fazio, Los Angeles, CA 206 The Association of Silica Deposition in the Lung With Acute Respiratory Failure After Lung Surgery/ S. Hamada, Kumamoto, Japan 207 High Profusion Birefringent Particles Associated With Silica Related Pathology in Severe Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis/ C.D. Cool, Denver, CO 208 Differential Impact of Using NHANES III Versus Knudson Pulmonary Function Reference Values on Eligibility of White and Black Coal Miners for Black Lung Benefits/ A. Sunderraj, Chicago, IL 209 Relationship Between Radiographic Disease, Spirometry Findings, and Diffusion Capacity in a Population of Former U.S. Coal Miners/ K.S. Almberg, Chicago, IL
B106 FROM ACUTE TO LONG COVID-19 2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Walter E. Washington Convention Center Room 201 (Level 2)
Poster Viewing
2:15-3:00 3:00-4:15
Chairing: C. Dela Cruz, MD, PhD, ATSF, New Haven, CT S. Herold, MD, PhD, Giessen, Germany J. Sun, PhD, Charlottesville, VA 601 Quantitative Proteomics in Exhaled Breath for Characterization and Diagnosis of COVID-19/ G. Hirdman, Lund, Sweden 602 Evolution of the Proteomic Landscape in the Lungs of Patients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection/ S.M. Kanth, Bethesda, MD 603 Eicosanoid Profiles in Exhaled Breath Condensate of Patients With COVID-19/ N.J. Kenyon, Sacramento, CA 604 Ichikado CT Score and Inflammatory Markers: A Prognostic Tool in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients/ A. Almaguer, Houston, TX 605 Higher BMI Is Strongly Linked to Poor Outcomes in COVID-19 Hospitalizations: A National Inpatient Sample Study/ A. Elkhapery, Rochester, NY 606 Inhibition of MPC Simultaneously Mitigates Hyperinflammation and Hyperglycemia in COVID-19/ J. Sun, Charlottesville, VA
ATS 2023 • Washington, DC
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